How to Influence Local, State or Federal Governments and Achieve Change with Elaine Abery
Is there a change you’ve wanted to see in your industry that can benefit the government, community, and industry? This episode is for you. In this episode, Elaine Abery joins me in the show to enlighten us on how to influence local, state, or federal governments to achieve the desired change.
Elaine is a government lobbyist. Her business, Unravelling Red Tape, provides services to businesses of all sizes and organisations that need to affect government policies, legislation, and law.
Elaine takes us through the process of getting the government to change a law through legislative and non-legislative processes. According to Elaine, the process starts with finding the right person to talk to in government. She advises that the minister is the last person to try engaging; choose the right phrases like “unintended consequences” and be patient.
Listen to this episode to learn more from Elaine.
Key Talking Points of the Episode:
[01:30] What does Elaine do, and how does she do it?
[02:56] How government changes laws
[06:18] Examples of changes that Elaine has helped influence
[14:17] How Elaine influences the government to change laws
[20:46] How Elaine figures out who to talk to in government
[26:31] Talking to the government to make changes other than going through the legislative process
[34:43] How much does it cost to work with Elaine
[35:45] Using words that the government understands
[40:01] The importance of building trust
[44:17] How Elaine kickstarts the change process
[49:42] Tips on how to influence the government
Magical Quotes from the Episode:
“The machinery of any large organization and government is a large bureaucracy moves slowly. You always have to be patient with them.”
“Sometimes people think they want one thing, but what they want is something different.”
“Much of the work with government is about building relationships and trust.”
“Just because you want to change something, you can’t change it to benefit yourself; you must benefit all three parties, government, business, and the community.”
“No one’s going to decide if they’re missing vital information. Give them everything and see what happens.”
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